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News and Recommendations
- "Sharply honed and fine tuned physical inspired piece of vaudevillian theater. As important and entertaining as the clowns on stage is musician-clown Benjamin Domask-Ruh. He bangs away at a honky-tonk piano that's in deliciously ill-repair; strums a tiny banjo; supplies timed sound effects with percussion and a theremin and contributes bits of comedy himself. " -Blogcritics ★★★★
- “ a master juggler at work.” - Arrowhead Library System, 2021
- “...spends a great deal of time thinking about circus.” The Artist Athelete Podcast, 2021
- “Benjamin Domask gets into the psychological, physical, spiritual, and ethical implications of clowning.” - The Bazzness Podcast, 2020
- “...getting to the heart...” - Sun This Week, 2020
- “...a community giving to the audience...” - 303 Magazine, 2019
- “Domask is magic.” - Daily Journal, 2018
“...character driven skills and teamwork.” - Spectacle Magazine, 2018
- “...a pinnacle of campiness.” - Chicago Tribune, 2016
- “Domask is a helluva talent.” - The Asian Age, 2015
“Thank you so much for your performance last night – the audience was laughing, the participatory aspects were fantastic, comedy integration was so fun, and I appreciated your organized and professional set up with the beforehand music, prompts, and how the three of you were well rehearsed – it definitely showed and made the performance run so smoothly!”
Paige Marschall Bigler - Recreation Programming Specialist - City of Hastings, 2021